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                        Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society
                    Club Notice - 11/10/00 -- Vol. 19, No. 19

       Chair/Librarian: Mark Leeper, 732-817-5619, mleeper@avaya.com
       Factotum: Evelyn Leeper, 732-332-6218, eleeper@lucent.com
       Distinguished Heinlein Apologist: Rob Mitchell, robmitchell@avaya.com
       HO Chair Emeritus: John Jetzt, jetzt@avaya.com
       HO Librarian Emeritus: Nick Sauer, njs@lucent.com
       Back issues at http://www.geocities.com/evelynleeper
       All material copyright by author unless otherwise noted.

       The Science Fiction Association of Bergen County meets on the
       second Saturday of every month in Upper Saddle River; call
       201-447-3652 for details.  The Denver Area Science Fiction
       Association meets 7:30 PM on the third Saturday of every month at
       Southwest State Bank, 1380 S. Federal Blvd.


       1. I heard a commercial on TV from  a  certain  Church  that  shall
       remain  nameless,  but  usually  associated  with a certain Western
       state.  Basically they will send you  a  free  religious  tract  in
       videotape  form.   I guess this is keeping up with the times.  They
       say this Thanksgiving people will be watching a videotape that will
       "touch  their  hearts  and  change  their  lives."   I  cannot  see
       volunteering to get a  religious  tract,  unless  maybe  to  get  a
       reusable  videotape  out of it.  But I love the line in the ad "and
       best of all the tape is free."  I figure that with  the  effort  to
       send  the  tape  and the cost of materials, if they were selling it
       they might want to change maybe $3.  So you save that $3 getting it
       free.   And  they  say that's the best part.  They must figure that
       touching your family's hearts and changing their lives is almost as
       good  as  saving  $3.   I  guess touching hearts and changing lives
       comes in on the open market at a value of about $2.70.  [-mrl]


       2. Originally I had planned to talk about something else this week.
       Chili,  actually.   But this is the wrong week for that.  Everybody
       else is talking about the really unique election, so I  will  also.
       Back  the  day after Halloween I remember thinking that it would be
       nice to go forward one week in time, to November 8,  and  find  out
       who won the election.  Good thing I didn't waste the time travel.

       I have seen little holes growing in  our  national  infrastructure.
       It  bothers me that once we had the capability to put people on the
       moon and we genuinely have lost that ability.  Overall intellectual
       acumen  in the country had gone downhill a great deal but now is on
       the incline again.  Thank goodness.  Lots of things that used to be
       reliable  now  break  too  easily.  I never thought that one of the
       things that we have lost is our ability to run a National Election.

       I have to admit that there  is  a  sort  of  bitter  irony  in  our
       election  this  week.   America  is the champion of free and honest
       elections worldwide.  We tell other countries that in the  name  of
       human  rights we want to send observers to oversee their elections.
       We set high standards, and do not get me wrong, we  really  should.
       The  sad and scary thing is that is that not every election in this
       country meets our own  high  standards.   Perhaps  we  should  have
       international   observers   watching   our   elections.   There  is
       sloppiness in our process of asking our people what government they
       want.  Apparently the sort of irregularities that people are seeing
       in the Florida polls is not new, they just never have been  noticed
       before.   They  were  not that important.  If one of the candidates
       had a clear lead and Florida did not have  the  importance  it  has
       this  year,  most  people  would  have  shrugged off the stories of
       Election Day problems.  Not so this year when circumstance makes it
       very  important  to  get  the  vote  precisely  right.  The Florida
       polling system has become the O-ring of American  politics.   Their
       small  failures  led to big disasters.  And who do we have to thank
       for discovering the problems?  Ralph  Nader,  doing  what  he  does
       best.   He  is finding flaws in the system.  I figure he has turned
       up eight major flaws in the Florida election system.

       I had thought of writing a humorous editorial here because at first
       sight this sounds like a very funny situation.  I am sure the likes
       of Jay Leno are having a field day wisecracking about what is going
       on.   But  the  Constitution  is  carefully written so that you can
       never have two different people each with  a  legal  claim  to  the
       highest office.  That is the sort of thing that frequently leads to
       civil wars.  I can just imagine an army of Gore supporters fighting
       an army of Bush supporters.  Scary thought.  And let's face it, the
       great majority of the arms are on the latter side.

       Personally I would hope that what comes out of this incident is the
       abolition  of  the  Electoral  College.  It was established so that
       there would be some control by the ruling class over  the  will  of
       the  people.   Some  demagogue  might  come along and convinces the
       majority of the American people that he is  a  combination  of  the
       finest parts of Jesus, Batman, and Will Rogers.  But the members of
       the Electoral College are educated and in theory can't  be  fooled.
       So  we  have  a  system  in  which  the  people  do  not choose the
       President, they choose the people who do have the power.  It  is  a
       check  on  the  power  of the common people.  But it is one that is
       terribly out of date.  First of all it is an embarrassment.  When I
       was  in  China envious locals would ask me if the people really did
       choose  the  President.   I  lied  and  said  they  did.    It   is
       embarrassing  to  tell them that in this bastion of Democracy it is
       not really the people who choose the President.  Further if we  had
       a  popular  vote the vagaries of Florida's polls would be much less
       likely to be important.  The uncounted Florida votes are at nowhere
       near  enough  to reverse the popular vote.  Another reason that the
       Electoral College is an embarrassment is  that  it  does  just  the
       opposite of what people are claiming it does.  I have heard several
       people claim that the election situation  demonstrated  that  every
       vote counts in a democracy.  That's the bunk.  Really what it shows
       the world is that with states having winner-take-all  systems  with
       the  electoral college, some people's votes can be worth a lot more
       than other people's votes.

       Regardless of who wins, the final National  Election  of  the  20th
       Century  will have to be one of the most interesting of the century
       and may well drag on with implications that will  shadow  the  next
       four  years.  As a Democrat, I cannot help but wonder.  After eight
       years of the Republican Machine taking  every  innuendo  about  the
       Presidency  and  turning it into a national headline, I just wonder
       what that machine would have made of this incident had  the  tables
       been  reversed.   I mean, Bush was declared victor in a state where
       there were so many voting irregularities almost all of which by  an
       odd  coincidence  seemed  to  help Bush and in which Bush's brother
       holds the highest political office.  Had the table been reversed we
       would  have  heard about it from the Republicans for years to come.
       There is smoking gun there enough for any headline hound.  [-mrl]


       3. MEN OF HONOR (a film review in  bullet  list  form  by  Mark  R.
       Leeper from the Toronto International Film Festival):

                 Capsule: No disrespect to the hero this film is
                 about,  but  the  film  is  a lot like a lot of
                 other films.  The characters are  such  cliches
                 it  is  hard  to believe they are based on real
                 people.  DeNiro does a standout job  as  racist
                 turned   and   turning   good   guy.   Film  is
                 competently made  and  well-directed.   Rating:
                 high +1

          - In the opening Master Chief Billy Sunday does not like to hear
            Carl Brashear (Cuba Gooding Jr.) called "n-----"
          - Carl's story told in flashback
          - Swims superbly as youth
          - Father works hard plowing fields but wants better for his son
          - Goes into Navy but assigned kitchen duty.  Must prove self  to
            go to diving school
          - Diving school in Bayonne, NJ
          - Faces learning problems, challenge of diving,  and  above  all
            racism, overcomes all with iron will
          - Chief racist is training officer Billy Sunday
          - Cliche: only student who likes Brashear is semi-loser
          - Cliche: meets future wife and wins  her  with  his  determined
          - Brashear hero but denied credit
          - Camp commander (Hal Holbrook) wants Brashear washed out
          - Murky underwater photography
          - Melodramatic climax
          - Very familiar story, redux of  AN  OFFICER  AND  A  GENTLEMEN,
            crossed with TUSKEEGEE AIRMEN
          - Scott Marshall Smith wrote screenplay
          - George Tillman Jr. directed
          - Helmet and water in bar, unlikely
          - DeNiro reasonable as sadist, but much like his  role  in  CAPE
          - Gooding is okay in role, but it is not a subtle one.   He  has
            charm but does nothing memorable.  Vulnerable yet determined.
          - Hal Holbrook, Powers Booth do not have enough to do



       4. THE DISH (a film review in bullet list form by  Mark  R.  Leeper
       from the Toronto International Film Festival):

                 Capsule: This is a real winner of a comedy from
                 Australia,  based  on  fact.  Parkes, Australia
                 was turned upside down when its radio telescope
                 was  chosen  by  NASA to receive the TV signals
                 from Apollo 11.  A nice  comedy  of  characters
                 and   discussion   of  the  value  of  science.
                 Rating: high +2

          - July, 1969, Parkes, Australia radio telescope,  most  powerful
            in  world,  chosen  to  relay Apollo 11 television pictures to
          - Seen in flashback remembered by lead scientist (Sam Neill)
          - Neglected telescope and shy team get national attention
          - Town goes crazy with excitement and pride, "We're not part  of
            it, we're in the middle of it."
          - Local politicians use it, people arrange parties
          - Unusual uses of dish
          - NASA rep and American Ambassador come to Parkes
          - Different  types,  mayor,  boy  who  idolizes  army,   college
          - Friction between dish team and NASA man
          - Crises add tension
          - Discussion of importance of science
          - Choral pieces in score
          - Snatches of James Horner
          - Great mix of comedy, good dialog
          - Good comprehensible  description  of  technical  problems  and
          - Everyone affected, audience still misty about Apollo 11
          - Directed by Rob Sitch, based on real incidents



       5. POSSIBLE WORLDS (a film review in bullet list form  by  Mark  R.
       Leeper from the Toronto International Film Festival):

                 Capsule: A complex science fiction story with a
                 lot  of beautiful visual images, but in the end
                 totally   confusing    and    almost    totally
                 incomprehensible.   It  deals  with a murder in
                 which a brain was stolen and a man who seems to
                 be   able   to   place  himself  into  parallel
                 universes and perhaps has been everybody in the
                 world.   I  never caught on entirely but it was
                 very  nicely  filmed   by   Jonathan   Freeman.
                 Rating: 0

          - Murderer stole only brain
          - George  Barber  claims  to  know  everything  and  have   been
          - George remembers billions of lives
          - Scientists are extracting info from brains
          - Imagination courses
          - George seems to be traveling back  and  forth  among  possible
            parallel worlds
          - Worlds are flowing together
          - Confused? So was I
          - In medical cafeteria George stands out without white lab coat
          - Nice use of whites and blues in some scenes
          - Scene in earth tones: reds and browns
          - Director Robert Lepage based on his play with ideas in  common
            with Heinlein's "All You Zombies."
          - Very confusing story
          - No violence beyond head with stolen brain
          - No special effects
          - Ideas but never makes sense
          - Tilda Swinton only familiar actress


       6. HEY! RAM (a film review in bullet list form by  Mark  R.  Leeper
       from the Toronto International Film Festival):

                 Capsule: In the  days  prior  to  partition  in
                 India  a  mild  man  sees  his  wife  raped and
                 murdered by Muslims in Hindu-Muslim riots.   He
                 blames   Gandhi's  political  policies  and  is
                 groomed to be an assassin to kill Gandhi.   The
                 story  is  handled as a historical drama in the
                 conventions of Indian neighborhood films (i.e.,
                 it  includes  songs  and  comedy!), but it also
                 presents both sides of  the  issues,  not  just
                 those   the   filmmaker  would  like  accepted.
                 Strange by  our  standards,  but  also  a  very
                 powerful film.  Rating: high +2

       Hindi language

          - Ram archeologist returns to Calcutta during 1946 riots  (Hindu
            vs.  Muslim)
          - At first minimizes importance of riots but  his  beloved  wife
            very concerned
          - Goes out and saves life of man chased by Muslims
          - Returns home to find his house under attack, he is held as his
            wife is raped and murdered
          - Ram routs Muslims, kills in cold blood his former  tailor  who
            took part
          - Meets another man named Ram.  Charismatic who tells him Gandhi
            is at fault, becomes anti-Gandhi extremist
          - Responds to "The Hindu and Muslim are brothers" with "The goat
            and the butcher are brothers"
          - Ram tormented by memories
          - Parents arrange new marriage with very  young  woman,  fiancee
            likes Gandhi
          - Joins anti-Gandhi group and chosen as assassin
          - Film done in style of Indian  neighborhood  film:  comedy  and
            songs, comedy dispense with early
          - Powerful scenes, after riot scanning down a building with dead
            person on each floor
          - Process shot of plane, morphing
          - Scenes during 1999 race riot in black and white  with  touches
            in color like flames from riots
          - Dramatic  dream  sequence,  nice  process  shot  of  airplane,
            morphing effects
          - Nice choral music
          - "This horse was once great and useful.   Now  its  life  is  a
            burden, it is a kindness to put to sleep."
          - Ambivalent telling, both sides of argument
          - Many languages used in film
          - Love song removed from this version



       7. THE MONKEY'S MASK (a film review in bullet list form by Mark  R.
       Leeper from the Toronto International Film Festival):

                 Capsule: A  very  thin  mystery  story  with  a
                 lesbian  detective.   Not  really  a  very good
                 mystery story but a film that can be enjoyed by
                 anybody who likes seeing naked ladies.  This is
                 a film with strong sexual content and a  rather
                 indifferent TV-level mystery story.  Columbo is
                 a better detective story but is not so much fun
                 to look at.  Rating: -1

          - Setting near Sydney, Australia
          - Based on Dorothy Porter novel
          - Lesbian detective Jill Fitzpatrick
          - Mickey Norris, budding young poet is missing, Jill is hired by
            Mickey's  parents  who  still  think  Mickey is virtuous.  She
          - Jill gets involved in  a  lesbian  affair  with  Diana  (Kelly
            McGillis)  one  of  the  principles  of the case.  For a while
            number of nude lesbian love scenes stays ahead  of  number  of
            facts known about the case
          - Case goes deep into Sydney's poetry community
          - Overripe  narration   particularly   in   describing   lesbian
          - Told in chapters with titles
          - Case develops slowly
          - Screenwriter Anne Kennedy needed better poetry than she  could
          - Simple not very satisfying murder mystery, audience not  given
            all the clues, does not play fair with audience
          - Scenes in Sydney Art Museum
          - Whole production seems like first  immature  effort  (actually
            second  feature  film)  and telling good mystery story was not
            the first priority
          - Error: sees explosion across a  valley  and  light  and  sound
            reach her at same time



       8. THE WEDDING (a film review in bullet list form by Mark R. Leeper
       from the Toronto International Film Festival):

                 Capsule: The events leading up to and during  a
                 big  social event with several plot lines going
                 at once.  This is a popular format for  Eastern
                 European  comedies.   In  this  case  it  is  a
                 wedding.  A little drama, a little sex,  a  lot
                 of   comedy.    Passable,  but  nothing  really
                 special.  Rating: 0

       Russian language

          - Tania Simikova returns to village of  her  birth  after  being
            away years
          - In memories of youth she liked Mishka Krapivin who  now  works
            in mines
          - Miners' paid months late, but  finally  arrives,  most  go  on
            drinking episodes
          - People are money grubbing
          - Mishka's friends are undependable
          - Mishka's friend steals Mishka's gift money, wants to  make  it
            up by getting another wedding gift leading to more problems
          - Russian Orthodox wedding
          - A lot of drinking
          - Tania has past
          - Comic sex
          - Groom arrested by police, must return to prison at 11
          - Master of ceremonies has to fill time
          - Brawl
          - Most interesting in showing conditions in Russia,  life  there
            is hard, does not seem to be much personal fulfillment
          - Bleak life by our standards, even if  people  get  money  only
          - Like Milos Forman's FIREMAN'S BALL
          - Several plots going at once, some sex, some drama
          - No happiness without a touch of sadness
          - Comic misunderstandings
          - Characters  of  varying  degree  of  interest,  one   or   two
            interesting actors



       9. PLACIDO RIZZOTTO (a film review in bullet list form by  Mark  R.
       Leeper from the Toronto International Film Festival):

                 Capsule: True but overly familiar tale,  albeit
                 true  story,  of one courageous man standing up
                 to the Mafia.  The star is not the plot but the
                 atmosphere  and topography of Corleone, Sicily.
                 The film gives some insight into  the  how  the
                 relatively  rudimentary  Mafia  operated in its
                 native Sicily.  Rating: high +1

       Italian language

          - Directed by Pasquale Scimeca
          - Corleone, Sicily
          - Rizzotto hardened by father taken by police, fought  Nazis  in
          - Town controlled by criminal association
          - Placido stands up to Mafia families
          - Lia is friend of Placido though her mother does not like him
          - Placido organizes peasants in taking land back from landowners
          - Mafia families agree to kill Placido
          - Photography of vistas of Sicily
          - Mafia ceremony when crime families really were just families
          - Nazis picnic in shadow of gallows
          - Rustic times, donkeys for travel
          - Rustic version of Mafia
          - True story, but same  plot  elsewhere,  including  cable  TV's
            recent EXCELLENT CADAVERS
          - Relative of Rizzotto says all true but she did not know he had
            a girlfriend



       10. THE HIT (a film review in bullet list form by  Mark  R.  Leeper
       from the Toronto International Film Festival):

                 Capsule: A 1984 crime film from Stephen Frears.
                 Ten  years  ago Willie betrayed his gang to the
                 law.  He has been hiding in Spain, and now  the
                 gang  has  found  him  and wants to take him to
                 Paris to be killed.  Two assassins are sent for
                 the  job  and the three are in for some days of
                 mind-game playing Rating: high +1

          - Stephen Frears directed in 1984
          - Four men on a robbery that goes wrong, Willie Parker  (Terence
            Stamp) grasses (i.e., was a stool pigeon)
          - Convicted, the other three sing "We'll Meet Again" to Willie
          - Ten years later Parker living in Spain
          - Kidnapped by Braddock and Myron (John Hurt and Tim Roth)
          - Myron (Tim Roth looks like a teen
          - At trial Stamp seemed  half-witted,  Stamp  now  seems  a  lot
          - Police know about kidnapping
          - Stamp  is  too  friendly  and  cheerful,  unnerves  Myron  and
          - Another person picked up on way
          - Parker has a philosophical approach to death
          - Only a teaspoon of blood shown but audience gasps
          - Hurt is cold and calculating
          - Roth is impatient, odd with red hair
          - Stamp too cheerful
          - Fernando Rey as detective


                                          Mark Leeper
                                          HO 1K-644 732-817-5619

           The power of accurate observation is commonly called 	   cynicism by those who have not got it.
                                          -- George Bernard Shaw